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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. Here's a picture of Tanny with Mr. B and she appears to be in flat shoes. I read that Mr. B was somewhere around 5'6" or 5'7" (not a tall man -- his famous variation was the hoop variation, one seemingly meant for shorter dancers). So Tanny is around that height. And what a cute picture.
  2. Here's another pic of Tanny with Maria and Diana in Apollo. She's actually the shortest of the muses.
  3. Allegra Kent - there's a picture of her standing next to Gelsey Kirkland and they are about the same height so I think she's petite, maybe 5'3" or 5'4" at most Tanaquil LeClercq - she's slightly shorter than Maria Tallchief who I read was 5'8" so my guess is 5'7"? Viktoria Tereshkina -this picture shows her to be about two inches taller than Diana Vishneva who has said her height is 165 cm (5'5") so my guess is 5'7"?
  4. Unfortunately she is not the only dancer to post these "thinspiration" photo shots and I'm always disheartened by "I wish I could be this thin!" comments, especially when followed up with "my teacher says I need to lose 10 pounds how do I do it?" It's not just ballerinas either. I've seen prominent male dancers who have posted photos I'd consider "thinspiration" pics.
  5. Agree that this is a bit of "everything is well, we are doing great" PR article. And notice that Jon Stafford was careful about saying which Martins works he was going to keep. I don't think for instance we'll ever get Red Violin again. When I saw it last Friday audience response was so unenthusiastic the dancers came for a curtain call to almost complete silence.
  6. Angel is really making PABallet into a mini-ABT.
  7. Oh wow. Hope it's nothing too serious with Anthony. Tyler and Andy are already injured.
  8. Anyone know if Anthony Huxley went on today in Square Dance? He was out of dance odyssey last night.
  9. Peter Walker's dance odyssey, Four Seasons, second casts of an all-Balanchine program and more winter season diaries: http://poisonivywalloftext.blogspot.com/2018/02/winter-season-diaries-groundhog-says.html
  10. In the upcoming Agon Ashley Laracey is dancing the PDT. I remember Rebecca Krohn used to dance it, and Tess as well.
  11. Maria Kowroski and Amar Ramasar usually do the pas de deux but Amar is gone. Tess also has it in her rep.
  12. I think his very straighforward adaptation of La Sylphide will stay. Barber Violin Concerto. His Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake because they are full-lengths that sell lots of tickets.
  13. One reason for the low attendance might be the nasty flu that's hit so much of NYC. Today I saw people with masks over their mouths at the ballet. I know that a nasty bug hit me last week and put me out of commission for several days.
  14. I don't really think it's a false parallel. Some of the same reasons (traditional roles of people, the statements of religious leaders, a special "culture" that would presumably be ruined by the changes that were being "forced upon" by Supreme Court decisions and federal laws) were used to argue against desegregation.
  15. I think it's more the way she dances. It's somewhat floppy with no articulation of the shape of movement. For instance when she arabesques her leg shoots up quickly but she rarely holds or stretches that pose so as a result her dancing lacks amplitude. It's not a matter of being short -- NYCB right now actually skews shorter in terms of the female dancers. If you were to measure her actual height I don't think she's that much shorter than say Ashley Bouder. To see what I'm talking about watch Ashley Bouder (a dancer who does NOT have long legs or arms) at 6:18. The way she brings her leg down gives an articulation and amplitude to the step.
  16. Harrison Coll is pretty tall as has Mother Ginger in the repertoire and I read that for Mother Ginger you have to be between 6'1 and 6'3" to fit into the costume. I think he doesn't read as tall because his dancing style is more of an explosive demi-character dancer. In the picture I have of him from Four Seasons he looks to be about the same height as Adrian D-W. I forgot that Aaron Sanz is also a pretty tall corps member.
  17. There are currently several tall men in the corps however. Harrison Coll, Peter Walker, Silas Farley, Preston Chamblee, Alec Knight, Cameron Dieck are all tall.
  18. A lot of singers using their own name have weighed in on Slipped Disc, a famous classical music blog: http://slippedisc.com/2018/02/exclusive-why-peter-gelb-fired-uncle-john-copley/ http://slippedisc.com/2018/02/john-copley-responds-to-met-dismissal/ http://slippedisc.com/2018/02/the-met-must-apologise-to-john-copley/ Names include Sam Ramey, Sarah Connolly and Anne Evans.
  19. There are two commercially available videos of Balanchine's Nutcracker and the entire Nutcracker is also on YT. Search "Balanchine 1993."
  20. Also different venues bring about different audiences. For instance I've seen the Mariinsky at Kennedy Center and at BAM. KC audiences for whatever reason tend to be more restrained, whereas at BAM the large Russian emigre population turns out in droves and the applause is raucous. I went to what I thought was an amazing performance of La Bayadere at KC last fall and the applause was warm but not really enthusiastic. I also went to a rather piecemeal gala at BAM with Uliana Lopatkina and some other Mariinsky artists that was wildly applauded. Didn't make the KC performance inferior to the BAM gala.
  21. Funny, the Southern Senators used to say the same thing when they talked about the "Southern way of life." People aren't entitled to have their prejudice and bigotry validated. Anyone is welcome to those thoughts. You're not entitled to have other people approve of those thoughts.
  22. It wasn't a big deal to my parents because they didn't have the prejudices that a certain type of person feels entitled to have. In my dad's case Don became Vicky and that was that. In my mom's case Robert became Claire and that was that. They switched bathrooms, and were called by their new names and referred to by their new genders. This was as I said 30 years ago. It's only a big deal if you feel entitled to discriminate and disparage transgender people.
  23. Transgender is NOT an issue new to the general public. About 30 years ago both my parents had transgender colleagues. Neither of them said much about it bc to them it just wasn't a big deal.
  24. The whole ballet is online. I won't post it bc I don't want it taken down but just do a search and it'll pop up.
  25. The Moscow claque is notorious. It even merited a NYTimes article. I wouldn't necessarily trust the applause meters in Moscow considering you don;t know who has paid their "dues" and who hasn't.
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