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Everything posted by California

  1. That link worked for me. Put Waterbury in the plaintiff listing and it comes up. The whole thing is sickening. Brief mentions of an alleged rape by an NYCB dancer at Vail and a party in DC while at the Kennedy Center with underage girls. How does Finlay avoid jail time, if this is all proven? And how can NYCB shield the donor who had a big hand in this, too?
  2. Not that I'm aware of, but it wouldn't be a bad idea, either for NYCB or SAB, to have someone representing that legacy at board meetings. Bringing in coaches who performed the original roles costs money and the Board presumably has some say about that. Perhaps with the new "regime," that will be considered. https://www.nycballet.com/About/Board-and-Staff/Board-of-Directors.aspx
  3. Tomasson has been director at SFB since 1985: https://www.sfballet.org/artists/artistic-staff/helgi_tomasson
  4. We're at a point in history where Balanchine's legacy transmitted by people who worked with him will come mainly from coaches, SAB faculty, and board members, but not from the artistic director. That was inevitable.
  5. They have not yet removed her bio page, but perhaps that will happen soon: https://www.sab.org/school/faculty/darci_kistler.php
  6. I'm stunned, like everybody else. What's so baffling: after the publicity about Weiner, Cosby, and on and on for years now, wouldn't you think maybe people would be super-careful? Gomes has gradually found his way to a lot of work free-lancing and now with Sarasota Ballet. But he's also quite a star otherwise. I wonder if these three will be so lucky. And given the nature of the allegations, they can probably forget about jobs teaching or directing a company.
  7. He's the new President at Julliard. That was announced back in 2017, before the turmoil at NYCB. https://www.juilliard.edu/news/131076/juilliard-names-damian-woetzel-seventh-president It does happen that presidents announce that a new job is a bad fit and leave after a brief appointment, but it's rare. (I'm thinking of Gordon Gee, who had been the long-time successful president at Ohio State, left for Brown University, but left Brown after barely two years). With NYCB and Julliard both part of the Lincoln Center "family," it would be a difficult jump to make. We might wonder if he thought he'd do Julliard for maybe five years, at which time Martins would retire and it would be a smooth transition. Not now!
  8. Thanks for the heads-up. On the calendar page for July 2019, it looks like Mayerling is July 5-7 and the McGregor is the following weekend: https://www.musiccenter.org/calendar/index.aspx
  9. This sounds high-risk to me: "The Royal Ballet will be going on tour to Los Angeles to perform the first part of a new full-length work by Wayne McGregor, with a commissioned score by Thomas Adès and designs by Tacita Dean. The work is presented as part of a large-scale collaboration, spanning two years, in partnership with the LA Phil, Glorya Kaufman Presents Dance at The Music Center, The Royal Ballet and Company Wayne McGregor." http://www.roh.org.uk/news/royal-opera-house-2018-19-season-announced
  10. I was thinking it would be interesting to see the Royal Ballet in LA next July, but then realized they weren't doing Mayerling, so scratch that. I'm really tempted by this Bolshoi season next summer in London. I'm hoping they announce rep before Christmas, but they also have a history of changing their mind, so even that will be risky. I'm hoping for their DonQ, which is still the gold standard for me, and their Raymonda, which is perhaps too risky in North America, for reasons we've discussed elsewhere. I definitely won't bother with their bizarre Swan Lake or Spartacus, having seen those at Lincoln Center a few years ago.
  11. A long time ago...she was at both Royal Ballet and ENB. I remember some comments she made about the time she wasted in the ENB corps: http://mariakochetkova.com/biography/
  12. ENB just announced via e-mail the casting for the September 2018 performances of Lest We Forget. I'm not seeing it yet on their web site, so I'll paste it in. If you are in London, I highly recommend this. Casting Debuts are marked with a * Thursday 20 September No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Alina Cojocaru and Isaac Hernández* 2nd Couple: Erina Takahashi and Fabian Reimair 3rd Couple: Crystal Costa and Aitor Arrieta* Second Breath Alina Cojocaru and Junor Souza Dust Tamara Rojo, James Streeter, Fabian Reimair Friday 21 September (mat) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Begoña Cao and Junor Souza 2nd Couple: Angela Wood and Skyler Martin* 3rd Couple: Katja Khaniukova* and Fernando Carratalá Coloma* Second Breath Anjuli Hudson and Joshua McSherry-Gray Dust Crystal Costa*, Aitor Arrieta*, Henry Dowden* Friday 21 September (eve) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Alina Cojocaru and Isaac Hernández 2nd Couple: Erina Takahashi and Fabian Reimair 3rd Couple: Crystal Costa and Aitor Arrieta Second Breath Begoña Cao* and Joseph Caley* Dust Tamara Rojo, James Streeter, Fabian Reimair Saturday 22 September (mat) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Jurgita Dronina* and Joseph Caley* 2nd Couple: Alison McWhinney and James Streeter* 3rd Couple: Shiori Kase and Francesco Gabriele Frola* Second Breath Anjuli Hudson and Joshua McSherry-Gray Dust Erina Takahashi, Jeffrey Cirio*, Fabian Reimair Saturday 22 September (eve) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Alina Cojocaru and Isaac Hernández 2nd Couple: Erina Takahashi and Fabian Reimair 3rd Couple: Crystal Costa and Aitor Arrieta Second Breath Alina Cojocaru and Junor Souza Dust Tamara Rojo, James Streeter, Fabian Reimair Monday 24 September (The Royal British Legion Thank You performance) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Alina Cojocaru and Isaac Hernández 2nd Couple: Erina Takahashi and Fabian Reimair 3rd Couple: Crystal Costa and Aitor Arrieta Second Breath Begoña Cao and Joseph Caley Vera Crystal Costa and Guilherme Menezes (Guest Artist) Dust Tamara Rojo, James Streeter, Fabian Reimair Tuesday 25 September (mat) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Begoña Cao and Junor Souza 2nd Couple: Angela Wood and Skyler Martin 3rd Couple: Katja Khaniukova and Fernando Carratalá Coloma Second Breath Anjuli Hudson and Joshua McSherry-Gray Vera Crystal Costa and Giorgio Garrett* Dust Erina Takahashi, Jeffrey Cirio, Henry Dowden Tuesday 25 September (eve) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Jurgita Dronina and Joseph Caley 2nd Couple: Alison McWhinney and James Streeter 3rd Couple: Shiori Kase and Francesco Gabriele Frola Second Breath Alina Cojocaru and Junor Souza Dust Tamara Rojo, James Streeter, Fabian Reimair Wednesday 26 September No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Jurgita Dronina and Joseph Caley 2nd Couple: Alison McWhinney and James Streeter 3rd Couple: Shiori Kase and Francesco Gabriele Frola Second Breath Begoña Cao and Joseph Caley Dust Erina Takahashi, Jeffrey Cirio, Fabian Reimair Thursday 27 September (mat) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Begoña Cao and Junor Souza 2nd Couple: Angela Wood and Skyler Martin 3rd Couple: Katja Khaniukova and Fernando Carratalá Coloma Second Breath TBC Vera Crystal Costa and Giorgio Garrett Dust Crystal Costa, Aitor Arrieta, Henry Dowden Thursday 27 September (eve) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Jurgita Dronina and Joseph Caley 2nd Couple: Alison McWhinney and James Streeter 3rd Couple: Shiori Kase and Francesco Gabriele Frola Second Breath Alina Cojocaru and Junor Souza Dust Tamara Rojo, James Streeter, Fabian Reimair Friday 28 September No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Begoña Cao and Junor Souza 2nd Couple: Angela Wood and Skyler Martin 3rd Couple: Katja Khaniukova and Fernando Carratalá Coloma Second Breath Begoña Cao and Joseph Caley Dust Erina Takahashi, Jeffrey Cirio, Fabian Reimair Saturday 29 September (mat) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Alina Cojocaru and Isaac Hernández 2nd Couple: Alison McWhinney and James Streeter 3rd Couple: Shiori Kase and Francesco Gabriele Frola Second Breath Begoña Cao and Joseph Caley Dust Tamara Rojo, James Streeter, Fabian Reimair Saturday 29 September (eve) No Man’s Land 1st Couple: Jurgita Dronina and Joseph Caley 2nd Couple: Erina Takahashi and Fabian Reimair 3rd Couple: Crystal Costa and Aitor Arrieta Second Breath Alina Cojocaru and Junor Souza Dust Erina Takahashi, Jeffrey Cirio, Fabian Reimair
  13. Nothing turned up on Google, but I found this on his Instagram account. No mention of Washington Ballet: Brooklyn Mack Next Performance: Alice and Wonderland with Hong Kong Ballet August 16-19, 2018 Despertares August 25, 2018 in Mexico City He is listed as a guest artist with Hong Kong Ballet. Septime Weber was the former director of WB and choreographer for Alice (in Wonderland): http://www.hkballet.com/en/About-Us/Guest-Artists/Current-Season/Brooklyn-Mack.html
  14. I think he's toying with us - and probably enjoying it! Yesterday he posted on his Instagram a photo with Baryshnikov at Baryshnikov's Dominican Republic estate with the caption "Be like Mike!" Both are wearing blue-and-white pants. Seems likely, though, that they discussed the rigors of running a major company. (It's on those revolving image things, so I don't see a way to give you the link. Peck is worth following, though, if you aren't already.)
  15. He's 53 years old - close to Woetzel. But the comments from his wife might be fatal. If Tomasson retires at SFB, wouldn't this be a step up? If everything else checks out with Lopez, what an opportunity to make a mark on the ballet world. When was the last time a woman headed a major company? Lucia Chase? Tamara Rojo?
  16. He was at New Zealand for three years: https://www.ethanstiefel.com/bio I remember social media postings from Gillian Murphy that the trip to New Zealand to guest were brutal, and that might have had something to do with it, but I've never seen other explanations. I had thought Lourdes Lopez might be a contender, although she's 60, which might be too old to take this on in the minds of some: https://www.miamicityballet.org/portfolio/lourdes-lopez-2 Damian Woetzel is 51, which might be about right for taking this on. In earlier discussions, we all dismissed him outright. But the very long delay in getting this search moving is interesting. He might do his dean thing for a year and then move on to NYCB. Pure speculation, of course, but the timing delay is intriguing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damian_Woetzel
  17. My favorite: her Nessum Dorma, which she performed in several venues, easy to find on YouTube. She always does part of it in English, which I appreciate. Here's one:
  18. The story I have heard repeated and I wonder if it can be sourced: Cranko went to see the MacMillan with a friend, who said afterward: gee, I would love to see yours, too, some day. Cranko: you just did. Urban legend? Any basis for this report? Here's some documentation: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2008/mar/30/dance To see Romeo and Juliet, in particular, is to be reminded of the scale of Kenneth MacMillan's debt to Cranko, who was his mentor. MacMillan's 1965 version for the Royal Ballet, the piece that, more than any other, saw his ascent to the choreographic top table, borrows so liberally and unambiguously from Cranko's version that at times the eyes widen in disbelief. At the moment in Act 1 when Juliet discovers she's got breasts, a whisper of recognition ran through the audience on Wednesday's opening night. Gesture for gesture, note for note, the scene is almost identical in both versions. Everybody steals - Cranko's version owes much to Leonid Lavrovsky's 1940 production for the Kirov - but this is more fervent homage than most choreographers permit themselves.
  19. For the truly obsessed (like most of us on this site?) you'll already know a lot of what she talks about. But I did enjoy a lot of tidbits and anecdotes I hadn't heard before.
  20. I just did a quick check of several companies. "Artistic Director" now seems to be preferred, at least at SFB, PNB, ABT, Pennsylvania, Washington, Colorado. As a culture, we go through regular evolution in language. In the 70s and 80s, we were told that "he" referred implicitly to both genders. Then we got people into the habit of using "he" and "she." Now the move seems to be to allow "they" as a singular to avoid even that. There's backlash against it, not unexpectedly, and I don't use it personally. In the mid-70s, I worked at an organization that refused to allow female employees to use Ms. "It's Miss or Mrs. They'll just have to choose!" A few years later, a new director started allowing Ms. The transition can be bumpy, but the intentions of clearing out old biases are good.
  21. I've also noticed a gradual shift away from "master" because of the implications of master-slave/servant! E.g., people who used to be called "web masters" are now more frequently called "web editors."
  22. And my personal favorite: if they do Manon in June, bring in Aaron Robison from SFB! Bolle and Hallberg also do that one.
  23. In the wrap-up email just sent on the 2018 festival, they included the dates for 2019: Join us next year from Friday, July 26 - Saturday, August 10, 2019 for the Vail Dance Festival. I haven't seen any announcement that Woetzel is stepping down, now that he's dean at Julliard, so perhaps he plans to continue?
  24. I don't want to take this off on a tangent, but I'm in the camp that thinks these things should be taught in the way Drew describes. I'd add that teaching about Leni Reifenstahls' films, confederate monuments, death campus, Stalin monuments, etc. are all important. At Auschwitz they prominently display a famous quote from Santayana: Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
  25. I was hoping to see this in October. The Tony excerpt was fabulous -- and quintessential Justin Peck. Guess that won't happen! Too bad.
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