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In order to watch the Grand Prix of Figure Skating and Russian Nationals live, I recently subscribed to TVTeka, a Russian website that streams live and on demand (not sure for how long) feeds from many Russian TV channels, as well as the Disney Channel dubbed in Russian and a non-geo-blocked BBC World feed. On one channel, I think someone was trying to get me to travel to Ukraine for vacation, but I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that I were a big-bellied middle-aged man, a slender but buxom bikini-clad woman would be rubbing the Russian equivalent of Ben Gay on my lower back.

Most of the channels seem to be sports-related, although between skating events I watched a guy cook beige food, but does anyone know on what channel(s) ballet would be broadcast on Russian TV? I hope against hope that it's one that TVTeka offers.

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