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Rolando Sarabia


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New Talents Shine in 'Nutcracker' Spotlight

by Sharon McDaniel

3 December 2007

The Palm Beach Post

"An extra gesture here, a more precise step: Little things make a difference. That's especially true with the holiday favorite, George Balanchine's The Nutcracker. And lots of points differed Saturday afternoon - improvements mostly - from the last time I saw Miami City Ballet in "their" work, inherited through Artistic Director Edward Villella."

"Yet the presence of Rolando Sarabia, a new principal beautifully cast as the Godfather Drosselmeier, drew you right into the party action. Vicariously, you became the gracious, mysterious yet comedic character who gave the most delightful gifts."

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He vanished from all news.
Not on Ballet Talk! :bow: BT's search engine (above) will lead you to a number of MCB reviews this season which mention Sarabia.

Rolando Sarabia -- currently also the topic of discussion on the Handsomest Dancer thread -- is indeed a principal at MCB.

I don't know the nature of the "injury" issue, and I can report only on what I've seen and reported elsewhere on BT.

Prior to MCB's first performance, Sarabia was not able to dance in an "Open Barre" series at the company's studios. He was introduced, however, wearing street clothes and some sort of foot brace (if I recall correctly).

He danced a remarkable Diamonds cavalier in a number of performances of the full Jewels this fall, partnering both Mary Carmen Catoya and Deanna Seay in the performances I saw. He was also alternated the Sugar Plum Cavalier in the Nutcrackers that I saw. (I misssed the Drosselmeier mentioned in the review quoted above.)

Then he was out of the next program, at least in West Palm. Villella mentioned at a subsequent talk that Sarabia's injury led him to be replaced by Misha Nikitine in Nine Sinatra Songs.

Around this time he was scheduled to perform in a jazz program, with original choreography, at the company's studios in Miami Beach. I had to cancel at the last minute (VERY regretfully), but I believe that he performed.

Last week, MCB's Program III started out at the Kravis in West Palm Beach before going to Fort Lauderdale (this weekend) and Miami (for the finale). He was not in the evening performances I saw, but he did dance the male lead in Pas de Dix (with Deanna Seay) at the only matinee performance I saw. There was some partnering difficulties between the two, but I had no reason to think it was a matter of Sarabia being either injured or holding back.

I don't know what he will be doing in the final regular program next month. It consists of Square Dance, Wheeldon's pdd Lliturgy, Tarantella, and a world premiere of Nightspot, a new piece by Twyla Tharp with original score by Elvis Costello. I would guess that he will be in the Tharp -- though I'd love to see him in Square Dance.

Rolando is a principal. His brother Daniel Sarabia came to MCB this season (from Boston) as a soloist.

P.S. When discussing the possibility of injuries, the BT policy is to report official news only: that is, written or spoken comment made in a public setting by those representing the company or the dancer himself. Thanks for adhering to that.

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Sarabita at the time of his graduation was predicted to be among the top 5 best dancers in ballet history. I've never seen such a thing like that before or after, but back then he totally surpassed by a way large ratio Acosta and Carreno. Time, events, life and fate have passed by, and...anyways, right now I'm just happy that he is a Principal to one of the 5 Top Companies in US. He is also the friendliest guy and I'm also very happy to be able to see him sometimes taking class when I'm biking around their studios in South Beach through the glass window...

This is a beautiful clip that shows him pirouetting since he was a little kid, and in a variety of roles. It's called "Born to be a Star ""...I really hope you'll all enjoy it.

Buena suerte, papi...eres el barbaro!!!! :P

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Sarabia de una tecnica impresionante gracias a la maravillosa escuela cubana de ballet. :)
Which GoogleTranslate renders as Sarabia an impressive technique thanks to the wonderful Cuban school of ballet. Google did not, however, translate the smiley. :lol:

Thank you, Columbina, and welcome to BalletTalk.

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I can't wait to see his upcoming Basilio and Siegfried... :wub:
As of now, I don't believe any casting has been announced, though Sarabia of course would be a natural choice for both roles.

In my experience, MCB does not announce casting for individual performances. They do, however, encourage pre-performance publicity, so it should be possible to learn about those who are preparing the roles for the Balanchine Swan Lake on Program I.

Cristian and others, if you see such publicity for in the Miami press or elsewhere, relating to Sarabia or any of the dancers preparing roles for Program I, PLEASE post it on Ballet Talk. :tiphat:

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Well...Sarabita was a non-show during the Quijote run. What a pity. His Basilio was the BEST I've ever seen in my entire life. :(

With Alihaydee Carreno-(In Cuba)-

In Paris

At Mamicha's studio-(In MIami)-

With Anissa Curbelo-(In Cuba)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTIn6H9fO40

Very young...(at Varna)

Wherever you are, Sarabita, be certain that WE MISS YOU MAN.. Y SIGUES SIENDO EL BARBARO !!! :wink::beg::thumbsup:

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cubanmiamiboy, do you mean that Sarabita was not cast in DON Q...or is out due to injury (again)...or, heaven forbid, among the dancers who were 'let go' recently? He was fantastic just a couple of months ago when we saw him in the Swan Lake/Fout Ts/Upper Room mixed bill in south Florida.

Shall I assume that Sarabia danced at the recent NY City Center tour? Yet, I do not recall having seen his name in any of the BT reviews of the NYC tour. He would have surely been mentioned in Upper Room reviews...impossible to miss.

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cubanmiamiboy, do you mean that Sarabita was not cast in DON Q...or is out due to injury (again)...or, heaven forbid, among the dancers who were 'let go' recently?

No, Natalia...Sarabita did not dance in DQ. As per your question, given the official news, none of the fired-(can I use the real word...?)- dancers were among the Principals...

And this was his big chance to shine. I don't think he's crazy about the Balanchine repertoire anyways... :)

bart...the only problem being that the MCB website still shows the Company roster as per its current season-(53 dancers)-without the 8 new cuts, which are due next season, according to spokewoman Nicolle Ugarriza. Later one it should be reduced to 45.


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As we know now, Rolandito Sarabia is no longer part of the Miami City Ballet roster. Thanks to CarolinaM, it looks like now he is is listed in the cast of the Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami for their upcoming presentation of Le Corsaire in the Festival de Peralada, Cataluna-Spain. Now, the interesting part is that he's listed as a member of the Houston Ballet-(!)

This is the casting, from their website.

Lorena FEIJOO (San Francisco Ballet), Xiomara REYES (American Ballet Theatre), Rolando SARABIA (Houston Ballet), Taras DOMITRO (San Francisco Ballet)

Miguel Ángel BLANCO (Joffrey Ballet)


Hayna GUTIÉRREZ, Kaleena BURKS, Raydel CÁCERES, Valia GONZÁLEZ, Christine HODGES, Jordan LONG, Grace POWERS, Gleidson VASCONCELOS


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As we know now, Rolandito Sarabia is no longer part of the Miami City Ballet roster. Thanks to CarolinaM, it looks like now he is is listed in the cast of the Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami for their upcoming presentation of Le Corsaire in the Festival de Peralada, Cataluna-Spain. Now, the interesting part is that he's listed as a member of the Houston Ballet-(!)

This is the casting, from their website.

Lorena FEIJOO (San Francisco Ballet), Xiomara REYES (American Ballet Theatre), Rolando SARABIA (Houston Ballet), Taras DOMITRO (San Francisco Ballet)

Miguel Ángel BLANCO (Joffrey Ballet)


Hayna GUTIÉRREZ, Kaleena BURKS, Raydel CÁCERES, Valia GONZÁLEZ, Christine HODGES, Jordan LONG, Grace POWERS, Gleidson VASCONCELOS


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Sarabia is not on the current, posted Houston roster. He former MCB bio mentioned that he "Danced with the National Ballet of Cuba and Houston Ballet." Perhaps Cuban Classical, in writing its press release, just defaulted back to that earlier position.

It's good to learn that he will be performing in Spain with dancers he knows and a repertoire with which he is familiar and comfortable. It might be an opportunity to be seen and possibly picked up by a company that fits him better.

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I guess this thread should be for those focusing on the significance of this change for Sarabia. Meanwhile, since there are also implications for Miami City Ballet, there's a thread on this topic on that forum.


Sarabia defected from Cuba in 2005 and joined MCB in 2007. Here's something from the NY Times at the time of his arrival in the U.S.

Like other leading dancers in the Cuban ballet, Mr. Sarabia has been longing to establish himself as an international star. "Where did Alicia Alonso become famous?" Mr. Sarabia said in an interview in Havana last November. "In New York. Where has she always been? Abroad." He said he wanted the same thing. "All the sacrifices I've made for my career, God should give me the opportunity," he said. "The time is now."

I was surprised that he was only 23 at the time of his defection, which makes him in his late 20s now. Somehow he always seemed to me to be older. Possibly that was jsut the slight sense of separation, hesitancy, and possibly discomfort I often picked up when I saw him onstage with MCB dancers, even in those performances in which he was dancing well.

I should say that I NEVER got the sense of a truly world-class dancer somehow being held back in Miami -- the "Cuban Nijinsky, " "compared to Baryshnikov," etc. MCB offered him plenty of opportunities to star and to develop dance skills that would actually be quite helpful in building an international career in today's real world of ballet. For whatever reasons, it didn't work. It's nice that, while still so young, he has time to try again to find a career track that suits his personality and the goals he originally set for himself..

For those who want refreshing about the details of Sarabia's arrival in the US, here is the 2005 NY Times article:


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And then...Sarabita was, since the very starting...WAAAAAAAAAAY superior in terms of technique than, let's say, Acosta-(whom I also had the chance to see in his early career).
Cristian, can you elaborate on what you mean by "technique." Are we talking jumps and turns, or something extra?

I've been thinking about Sarabia's career at MCB, relying on old programs and notes to help me organize my visual memories. The performances I really remember -- the one's where I found myself thinking: "Wow, so that's a glimpse of what the fuss was all about" -- were when he partnered exceptional women. Jeanette Delgado in Allegro Brillante, Delgado again in Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux, Delgado again in one of the best Sugar Plum pdd's I remember having seen. Mary Carmen Catoya in Black Swan pdd. Deanna Seay in the Balanchine Swan Lake, Act II.

In the pdd's, it's the partnering portions that I remember. The solo variations were not exceptional.

As for the Balanchine/Robbins rep: He gave Sanguinic in 4 T's an okay shot (with Patricia Delgado), and I can remember him apparently trying to fit in during the ensemble parts of that. He was the weak link in the cast of Robbins' In the Night, again daincing with Patricia D). His partnership with Seay in Symphony in C, first movement, was quite beautiiful. However, he lost focus or interest in the middle of a performance of Divertimento No. 15, something I've never seen another MCB dancer do on stage.

I never saw him, in any role, express the sheer joy of dancing, a qualityi which is the norm at MCB.

This all tends to support your comment that ...

Sarabita never had Acosta's consistency and reliability,,,
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