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Le Corsaire....again, act III mystery

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Sorry if I am cross posting, I have this question in Teachers forum.... :)

I am desperate. Looking for music that Julie Kent performs in act III, after Angel Corella's first variation, it seems to be a piece of music inserted by ABT exclusively. I have purchased a Full length CD available on christopherseminar.com by the Zapolsky Orchestra. It is not on it. It is approx. one minute and 20 seconds long. Starts with pas de bourre de dan, pir. combination, to releve passe combination, another pir. in seconde finished with pirouettes around stage and relelve fifth. Applause throughtout in video, so I can not copy. Does anyone know what I am talking about. I am losing my mind. I have even asked those at ABT and the music contact insists he used original music and did not insert anything. Is my Zapolsky CD not true to original score??? Please help...

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I have just skimmed through the ABT Corsaire. J. Kent does not do an Act III variation that follows Corella. Perhaps you mean Act II? The variation in Act II is standard from the Gusev/Sergeyev version done by Mariinsky/Kirov. Perhaps you could buy that DVD and make a CD from that? The music you are looking for does not exist on CD in a danceable tempo. Sorry.

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There is a cd actually (and I am not sure if it is still in print,) I have it. It is called "Ballet Gala." It also has the ballets Etudes, La Sonumbla (Night Shadow,) Flower Festival Pas De Deux, and excerpts from Napoli. VRS is right though in that the tempo will be too fast but as you said, you can alter it. Unfortunately, it is at another address now so I wouldn't be able to get a copy to you until mid-January.

I believe the label is "Sephrim." ????

Here is an amazon.com link to it. It is listed as Pas De Deux by Drigo. (but it is the Corsaire arrangement as heard in the ABT version and the Kirov version.)

Hope this helps!



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Just for a litlle history lesson.......the variation danced by Julie Kent is the REAL variation for Medora composed by Drigo for the insertion of the Grand Pas into Petipa's last revival of Corsaire. It was revived for Mathilde Kchessinska at the turn of the century. Also, the famous Don Q "fan" variaton in the grand pas for Kitri was aslo added by Drigo for her at some point during this time in a revival.

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Well, "The Fan" was tipped into Anna Pavlova's score for the Don Q pas de deux, but heaven only knows if it were written by Drigo or just borrowed from the seemingly bottomless cornucopia that was Minkus. With him, if a variation didn't work in one ballet, or the whole production bombed, he or some conductor recycled the tunes somewhere else. Tchaikovsky did this when he thought that Swan Lake was one dead duck, and recycled the White Swan pas de deux as a duet in the dark, dark opera Iolanthe, which preceded Nutcracker at its premiere.

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